We all know that modern,
processed foods are stripped of most of their nutritive value. An essential,
missing nutrient, which unfortunately receives the least attention, is
beneficial bacteria, commonly known as probiotics. With more and more patients
seeking medical attention for digestive and immune system challenges, and a
market flooded with probiotic products that make undeliverable promises, it’s
time you learned about the clinically-proven results patients around the nation
are experiencing with MegaSporeBiotic—bacteriotheraphy as nature intended.
understand what makes MegaSporeBiotic the 21st century answer to
your patients’ modern-day health challenges, it’s important to remember that
our ancestors ate a probiotic-rich diet consisting of locally-grown foods and
liquids brimming with mega-doses of environmental bacteria. Most of those
bacteria died during transit through the body’s harsh gastric system; but some
did not. The strains that survived later co-evolved to withstand both the
outside environment, as well as passage through the body’s gastric system,
where they ended up thriving in the intestines. These bacteria became nature’s
first, “true probiotics." Equipped with the ability to live and reproduce
in two very different environs (outside the body and inside the body), these
strains were said to have a “biphasic life cycle.”
the most well-known, well-studied, and widely-used biphasic probiotics are from
the bacillus species, particularly bacillus subtilis, bacillus clausii, bacillus
licheniformis and bacillus coagulans.
In addition, a recently discovered and developed strain is bacillus indicus. MegaSporeBiotic is the first product on the
market that combines all five of these biphasic strains in clinically-relevant
doses, with clinically-proven results.
of glacial ice-cores have found the presence of these bacillus species all over the world, dating back as far as
20-thousand years ago. Over that time period, these bacillus species have
retained over 90% genetic homology to the strains used today in
MegaSporeBiotic. This means that nature's "True Probiotics" have
co-evolved with the the human species to be essential, commensal organisms over
at least 20,000 years'
is the evolutionary bridge between that ancestral heritage and our nation’s
modern-day, digestive and immune health crisis, providing some uniquely
critical functions:
· Development of the Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue
(GALT) – besides immune stimulation, bacillus subtilis is believed to be partly
responsible for the development of the GALT itself. The GALT makes up 70
percent of the immune system.
· Stimulation and immune tutoring via the Peyer’s
Patches in the upper GI. This is critical to pattern recognition and thus
autoimmune and allergenic conditions.
· Competitive exclusion of bacterial and fungal
pathogens. The bacillus species are regulators of the GI microbiota and can
actually support the growth of your good bacteria while eliminating the bad.
· Digestion of starch and non-starch polysaccharides
to create healthful short-chain fatty acids (such as acetate, propionate, and
butyrate) which have profound implications on risks of gastrointestinal
disorders, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.
· Microbiota balance for SIBO – bacillus clausii is
actually used as a prescription treatment for SIBO in over 14 countries. You
have it in MegaSporeBiotic.
· Production of digestive enzymes and vitamins in the
digestive tract.
· Production of the most bioavailable carotenoids – bacillus
indicus HU36 is patented for the biological delivery of carotenoids. Once
colonized, this strain produces physiologically significant amounts of
beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein, lycopene, astaxanthin, zeaxanthin, etc.
right at the site of absorption.
· Detox – these strains neutralize several food borne
toxins such as Zearalenone (ZEA) and vomitoxin... and much more!
Based on what we’ve learned, we know that over the course of 20-thousand years
of co-evolution, the human body has come to depend on these highly specialized
bacteria species as essential nutrients for healthy living. Without them,
people experience fatigue, malaise, immune disorders, skin disorders, higher
levels of toxicity, dysbiosis, chronic inflammation, and more.
Ready to learn more?